
Pembe Tokluhan

Associate artist Pembe Tokluhan backstage unravelling a wire. A mic stand is placed in front of her. To the left is a bright red stage curtain.

Pembe Tokluhan, a distinguished backstage professional with expertise in live audio, stage management, production, and tour coordination, is an award-winning multidisciplinary artist. Alongside her extensive experience in the entertainment industry, she has a background in youth work, public speaking, and diversity consultancy.

Previously employed as Clod Ensemble’s Production & Engagement Coordinator, Pembe is currently a Supporter Practitioner at Clod Ensemble. She is the visionary founder of Petok Productions, a production company dedicated to recognising and showcasing the contributions of women, trans, and non-binary individuals working behind the scenes, screens, and lenses. Pembe is also the co-founder of Generation Uncovered, an informal association fostering collaboration among young composers, vocalists, musicians, performers, producers, promoters, technicians, and digital media creators dedicated to creative practice and pursuing careers in the creative and cultural industries.

Pembe’s client list includes Nile Rodgers & Chic, Windrush Festival, Don Papa and many more. In 2022 she received both the Youth Music Social Action Award and the Baton Awards Creative Industries accolade.

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